


At Utopia Tints, our Caliper Painting service is the perfect solution for those looking to upgrade the look of their vehicle while also ensuring a durable factory finish. After years of experience we have perfected a method that guarantees a beautiful finish in as little as 2 hours. Before painting, we thoroughly sand down the calipers and hubs to ensure a smooth surface, ensuring that the finish lasts for a long time.

We are located in County Durham, near Tesco Extra in Dragonville, and our address is Unit 1, Dragonville Industrial Park, Gilesgate, Durham, DH1 2XJ. We are not far from the surrounding cities; Newcastle, Sunderland, Darlington and Teeside.

Below you will find some key features about our Caliper Painting service, including the options we offer, the materials we use, and the processes we follow. If you decide this service is the one for you, feel free to book online.

  • Caliper Painting Service - 12 Month Warranty

    At Utopia Tints, we take pride in offering a top-tier Caliper Painting service backed by a robust 12 Month Warranty. We use automotive OEM grade paint, meticulously selected for its durability and resilience. This premium paint is engineered to withstand the most challenging conditions, including extreme heat and cold, exposure to wheel acid, brake fluid, and brake dust. Our commitment is to ensure your vehicle's calipers maintain their aesthetic appeal and integrity under various environmental stresses.

    Warranty Coverage:

    The 12 Month Warranty exclusively covers the paint applied to the calipers.

    We guarantee that the paint will remain resilient against the elements mentioned and retain its visual appeal, adhering to our high standards of quality.
    Please Note: The warranty is specific to the caliper painting and does not extend to the hubs.
    Due to the nature of the hubs being made of raw steel, they are more susceptible to rust and environmental wear. While we do provide an initial coat on the hubs for aesthetic purposes, this area is prone to rust re-emergence, especially in adverse weather conditions.

  • We can have any colour you wish mixed up without delaying you service time. Simply let us know the colour you’d like or ask our recommendation.

    Here’s our favourite colours; Ferrari Rosso Red, Estoril Blue, Porsche Acid Green, Lamborghini Arancio Livrea Orange.

  • At Utopia Tints, we understand that your time is precious. We have worked hard to run our Caliper Painting service as efficiently as possible so that you don’t have to leave your car with us for days on end. Caliper painting usually takes 2-3 hours.

    While you wait, our unit in Durham has some great places just two minutes walk away; Starbucks, Tesco Extra, McDonalds, The Range, B&M Bargains, KFC, Currys, Boots, ScrewFix, Pet ‘n’ Pony, B & Q, Argos and many more.

  • Included in our Caliper Painting service is the sanding and repainting of your hubs. This is the part of your brake disk where the wheel bolts onto, that usually goes rusty. We sand off the rust and repaint them a colour that blends in, Black or silver usually.

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All 4 Calipers & Hubs: £239

Time Required: 2-3 Hours including drying time.

Our Caliper Painting Service Includes:
Fully sanding down to remove all old paint and imperfections, followed by the application of etch primer. The calipers are then coated in multiple base coat layers of your choice and finished with 3 layers of heat resistant lacquer. There is no additional charge for custom mixed colours.
In addition to the calipers, the hubs are then sanded down and painted in a colour that complements your vehicle. Typically either satin black or bright wheel silver works well with most cars.

Stickers: +£15
Example: Audi RS, Tesla Logo, Ford RS Logo, Brembo Logo

If you only require the two front calipers, the cost is £199. Please note that while it may seem logical that the price would be half, for half the work, the time required for the job remains the same, 2-3 hours.

IMPORTANT: If your calipers have been previously painted, we kindly ask you to provide a photo, before booking in. This helps us assess the current condition and plan accordingly to avoid any issues during the painting process. Factory painted calipers are usually not an issue, only if they are painted aftermarket. Should your calipers require additional preparation work, your car may need to stay with us for a longer period, possibly all day, and additional fees may apply.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!


  • If you have any issues within the first 12 months of having your caliper painted at Utopia Tints, we will diagnose the issue and repaint the caliper free of charge, under warranty.

  • Very simple!

    Here’s a list of all the ways you can book in with us, pick whichever is best for you:

    1. Message us on Facebook/Instagram,

    2. Call: 07795 225 028

    3. Text/Whats App: 07795 225 208

    4. Email:

    5. Our book online by clicking HERE

  • Please don't mistake this service for a full caliper refurbishment; whilst we achieve extremely high quality results, we do the work with the calipers in situ. This is to ensure the safety of the brake calipers and pads is not compromised from the potential for human error when disassembling and reassembling brake components.

    This doesn't reduce the quality of the finished product at all, as evidenced by the images above.

  • By far the most common colour chosen is Red. We don’t just use a normal RAL colour standard red though, we use Ferrari Rosso Red, simply beautiful.

    Second most common is BMW Estoril Blue. This colour comes on BMW uprated calipers as standard, we have the perfect match too.

    Third most common is Porsche acid green, great colour that stands out from a mile away!

  • We recommend that you don’t wash your car for at least 3 days, to let the paint fully dry. We also recommend that you avoid any seriously heavy braking as excessive brake dust might bond with the paint easier than it would if the paint was fully dry.

  • Yes, no problem at all. We can get your vehicle booked back in, sand down the paint and repaint it any colour you wish.

  • For caliper painting, it doesn’t really matter how dirty your vehicle is. What we will say is though, your car may leave us a little dusty from the sanding, so please don’t clean your vehicle immediately before hand.

  • Yes, no problem at all.
    The colour of your calipers makes no difference to an MOT at all.


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We are confident that we provide the best Caliper Painting service in the North East, at a very reasonable price. If you have any queries or questions, please feel free to contact us.